Meet our UK retail team members who will welcome you if you ever visit us, as well as assist with online orders and any help you may need.
Marc Pendlebury
Managing Director

Our founder and co-owner, Marc started the WhiskyBrother blog in 2009, which has steadily (and with a lot of blood, sweat and tears) grown into the well-established business we are today. Marc was recognised as a Keeper of the Quaich in 2017.

Steve Crompton
Shop Manager

Steve manages our Dufftown shop and is likely to be the welcoming smile you see when you visit us. Having worked at a local distillery for several years, he is eager to continue his whisky journey and further broaden his whisky horizons.

Elly McAulay
Shop Assistant

Elly assists at the shop (as well as the whisky bar at the Whisky Capital Inn next door to us). With great experience in hospitality, also from time worked at a local distillery's visitors centre, the whisky bug has bit, and Elly is jumping right in.